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  • Cut-off timing / Terms & Conditions (Bike Service)
    Terms & Conditions: 1 . Cut-off time is at 2.00 pm. For request made after 2.00 pm, additional charge will be applied (see above table). This also applies to advance booking of service as well, so long as the packages are ready after the cut-off time. 2 . Package should not exceed A4-size in dimension & 2kg in weight. Oversize and/or overweight package (more than 2kg), a surcharge of $5.00 will be levied. 3 . A surcharge of $5.00 will be imposed for specific time collection/delivery, on top of the courier fee and any other surcharges that may apply. 4 . A grace period of 10 minutes will be given for each assignment. But if the courier is made to wait longer, we will levy a surcharge of $5.00 for every block of 15 minutes. The calculation starts from the time the courier arrives. 5 . For last-minute cancellation of job, a cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of the published rate will be levied if our courier is despatched according to your instructions. 6 . For deliveries that require to be completed within 3 hours from the time of call or booking, a $5.00 surcharge will be levied each. Anything less than 3 hours will be classified as an immediate service and appropriate fee will be applied. 7 . For several packages to one building but on different units & floors, we will charge the first document with the prevailing rate and $3.00 for every subsequent package. 8 . Exit Permit, Visa & other related travel applications - $100.00 per assignment (to & fro, inclusive of waiting/processing time). For unsuccessful applications, the full courier fee will still be applied in full. Important Note: All services are still subjected to the constraints and restrictions imposed at some locations eg. Military Camps, Cargo Complexes, etc.
  • Cut-off timing / Terms & Conditions (Van Service)
    Terms & Conditions: 1 . Cut-off time for van service will be at 2.00pm for delivery within the same day, subject to availability. 2 . For specific time delivery, a surcharge of $30.00 will be levied on top of the scheduled rate and any other charges that may apply. 3 . For an immediate van service, the fee is double the scheduled rate. Within 2 hours, a surcharge of $20.00 will be imposed. 4 . A grace period of 15 minutes will be given for each assignment. But if our delivery team is made to wait longer, we will levy a surchage of $20.00 per every 30 minutes. The calculation starts from the time the delivery driver arrives. 5 . A cancellation fee equivalent to 50% of the scheduled rate will be applied if our team is despatched according to your instructions. 6 . For delivery / collection to a building with no lift access, we will levy an additional $15.00 for every floor. 7 . For assignment that is re-routed to a different building after our team has reached, it will be considered as another trip and all the relevant charges will be applied. Important Note: All services are still subjected to the constraints and restrictions imposed at some locations eg. Military Camps, Cargo Complexes, etc.
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